Monday, July 30, 2012 converter blew up

Yes, my converter blew up. I was skyping with the fam and there was a loud pop sound and smoke coming from the socket and my family kept yelling que paso? que paso? It was smoking and about a million degrees hot for 15 minutes and its was a disaster. My madre was yelling because she thought i blew up my brother´s computer. but no, everythign was fine. but let´s just say im terrified to plug anything in at my house ever again. never ever happening. So with that being said, the battery in my laptop is completely drained therefore i won´t be posting any pictures until i can buy a new adaptor.

Let´s get caught up on life shall we?
I saw Pablo neruda´s second house the other day and I liked it so much more than the one in Santiago. This one was much more homey and the tour was in english so i actually understood what was going on. Not to mention the view of the ocean from his office was breathtaking and my friend Dan blocked the doorway to Pablo´s bathroom so I got to stand in his bathtub where he showered. In hind sight this is kinda creepy but I still think its pretty cool. Then we saw an öpen air museum¨which was a bunch of murals painted on the walls that were supposed to have something with a revolution i think? But let´s be honest, i was incredibly sick of being herded around like cattle at that point so i stopped listening and started day dreaming while appreciating the pictures that meant absolutely nothing to me. Is it bad to say that I appreciate ordinary street graffiti more that i liked the murals in this ¨museum¨? There was also a museum of natural history that included the body of a 20 year old Mapuche girl who was found perfectly preserved in the Atacama Desert from 2000 years ago. And there was a 2 headed stuffed goat. Super cool! Oh and a ton of nasty bugs and spiders on display. it was like a car wreck, it was absolutely grossing me out to look at them but i couldn´t turn away. Hmmm what else have we done???  Oh! we went as a huge group to Reñaca which is a super cute beach town about 20 minutes away by bus. The water was freezing but some of us rolled up our pant legs and walked in teh water a little bit anyways. We also trooped over to some really neat rocks to perch on and i looked at some really creepy looking sea creatures. My friend scott and i ended up returning to Reñaca on saturday so he could body surf and i could just stare at the ocean. i will never get tired of the view here. while i was sitting there two chileanos sat down and talked with me for a little bit and thankfully they knew some english. they were really nice and just wanted to know what i was doing here in chile and asked what i liked about it so far. my conversation with them was pretty good but an attempted conversation with an older woman about her dogs just a few minutes later was an absolute fail. i´m not quite sure why but the trend seems to be that i can´t talk with the older people here but the younger generation is far easier to talk to. i suppose it helps that many of them have studied english in school but i think they also understand that they need to slow down when they talk and only ask one questin at a time. the women here will spurt out an entire paragraph at light speed and expect me to respond as if chilean spanish is my first language. i just want to ask them if theyre kidding me, because that just insane. but in typical kait fashion, i dont know the words necessary to produce even that simple phrase. but yesterday i did successfully ask a man for directions to the metro. i was rather impressed with myself and how easily the words just came out of my mouth without me even ralizing what i was saying. i think if i learn to let go a little more the spanish will come easier to me. who knows? but it wil get better `un poco un poco` as my RD, Lizette says. little by little the spanish will come more naturally.

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