Sunday, July 15, 2012

3 Days

Today I did most of my packing and it was terribly stressful at first. I started off with toiletries (which was a bad idea) so there were about 20,000 things I needed to pack and I was terrified that I was going to forget something essential. But in the end I think I packed everything that I absolutely need and mommy dearest reassured me with the reminder that I can buy anything I forget while I'm down there. But lets be honest, there was definitely one thing I was not going to take a chance on: Qtips. I live and breathe by those things so I packed an entire box! But other than that I was pretty impressed with my restraint and willingness to leave behind a few things that I would normally bring with me. So yes, Stine and Elise, my bedtime rituals will be cut in half (so we will see whether or not I end up looking like a man without them). And then I moved onto my clothes...

I thought this was going to be quite difficult to narrow down but I ended up (without struggle) putting back some of the clothes that I had planned on taking. If Chileans can wear the same outfit twice in one week for months on end then so can I! Take that American materialism!! But lets be honest, I still have quite a few clothes...enough to fill a suitcase and a backpacking pack.

So thats that. Most of my things are ready to go. So tomorrow is pedicures with my mom, dinner with the Koch's and then heading to Chicago at 1:15 am on the bus so we can make it in time for my appointment. Things are coming to a close quickly here in The States but I couldn't be happier to leave!


  1. what the heck are stine and elise? lol

  2. Stine is my best friend. her name is christine but we shorten it. and elise is my other best friend, her name should be explanatory
