Thursday, September 27, 2012

This Might Just Be Funny

So I'm at Logar de Niñas (the girl's orphanage in Viña), which is a regular weekly occurrence. But today is different (and by today I mean Wednesday). Its really bleh outside: kind of sprinkling, definitely cloudy, and even more definitely freezing. So instead of hanging out on the playground outside like normal we are inside on the ground coloring. Things are perfectly normal, the girls are yelling, fighting about sharing the colors, and continually asking for dulces (candy). Like I said, things are normal.  But then life gets interesting...

I'm sitting on the floor coloring with a little girl when I see another girl walking on her hands and knees like a dog. She even has a piece of paper hanging out of her mouth like a dog would carry something. So I say "mira! estas una perra!" (Side note: Here in spanish the nouns for both people and animals change depending on gender. Por ejemplo: mono is male monkey and mona is female monkey. This is information that you need to know before we continue the story) So here I am thinking that I said "look! you're a dog!" in an attempt to bond with her and create conversation. But no. she just gives me a look and keeps moving. So, thinking that i have just been ignored I say it again louder. No reaction. Its at this point that my friend Erin leans over and says "I don't think that means what you think it means". But no, I feel like a have a pretty good handle on my spanish so I respond "I'm saying she looks like a dog" and repeat the sentence for the third time. After this third time it occurs to me that I remember hearing "perra" used as a slang. And it is not a pretty word. So as it turns out "Bitch" the term for a female dog in english has the equivalent meaning in spanish.

Yes, I just called a 7 year old orphan girl a bitch. three times. right in front of her face.
that my friends, is what we call "lost in translation" or as I prefer call it, a "spanish fail"

So like I said, it may or may not be funny. I still can't decide.

But while you make your decision here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Katy is one of my favorite girls. We refer to ourselves as Katy Uno y Katy Dos

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