Wednesday, April 18, 2012


This visa application process is going to be the death of me. In one day I have gone from shock, after looking at the visa requirements, to stress, from trying to figure out what the heck to do, to road rage while driving in Englewood to try to get my fingerprints taken, to game face, while getting the rest of my things together for my background check, to completely exhausted while trying to write out my actual visa application. Who knew that all of this could be so frustrating?! I am just incredibly thankful that we live in a democracy with (what they say is) minimal governmental interference. If I lived in a socialist country I would move the heck out of dodge the second I turned 18. I never want to deal with another slow moving, unappreciative, and dowdy government employee again. But alas, I'm only 20 and the paperwork and employees have only just begun. But I suppose it is far better to have to deal with the disgruntled and unmotivated government workers than to be one myself. So in other words, I should be thankful to be completing this process in the US rather than anywhere else, seeing as their process would only be more agonizing. I am so blesses to have been born in the greatest country in the world. And even more blessed to be leaving it for a 5 month adventure in CHILE!!!
3 MONTHS!!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Things To Come

     As I discuss next year with my current roommates I'm beginning to get nervous about coming back to CCU in the spring. It's going to be strange coming back to a place that has been my home for 2 years but not being familiar with anything that is happening there. I'd say that its like coming back home a few times a year but let's face it, nothing at home changes, whereas things at CCU change like crazy because this is the time in life that people grow the most. I'm worried that I'm going to come back to completely different friends. But let's be honest, I'm hoping to be changed a TON by this trip. 
     The more I write about this the more I realize how selfish I am. I'm the one thats leaving them, I can't complain if things change while I'm gone. I'm still going to be jealous of all the new friendships that people have started though (I think thats a fair thing to be jealous of). 
    Anyways, I'm really excited to go, a little nervous to come back, and anxious to see how God is going to continue to break and re-mold me. 
                     3 months and 5 days left